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Our office is recognized as one that strives to achieve results that exceed expectations. Thus, the permanent goal is to deliver professional and adequate information and representation to individuals and businesses, dedicating resources and tailored expertise, as well as to provide high quality, creative, result-oriented and positive performance and outcome.

The legal team of six attorneys and trainees is handling complex and sophisticated legal issues locally, nationally and internationally. We are at all times accessible, efficient and responsive, serving with active involvement as a primary resource and as a partner in all aspects of our clients’ business challenges, growth and development.

We enjoy a collegial group practice while recognizing that our principal goal is to serve our clients. Working environment in the office is best described by the fact that all legal apprentices who have worked in the Office since 1998 stayed as practicing attorneys and team members.

Taking a genuine interest in our clients and understanding their objectives, we will provide superior legal aid on a timely, effective and efficient basis, and maintain the highest standards of professional integrity.

That is why we are probably the best option.


Corporate and Labour Law
Damages and Enforcement
Contracts and Intellectual Property